

I'm not all that sure what to do about Guantanamo. It grates against my sensibilities to have a place that the US controls, but, doesn't play by American civil liberty rules. Rather, it plays by Gulag rules.


Yet, what do we do with those prisoners if we close it down? We captured them and should be responsible for holding them. However, we've used techniques on them that would invalidate any ability to try those people and hold them in a standard US prison. It's not that they could escape from our prisons, it's that under normal American rules, no judge would allow them to be convicted..so, they would be set free.

It appears that the only option we have for those real terrorists is to send them to countries that don't have the civil liberties that would prevent them from holding them in their countries.

What about military prisons here in the US? Their rules are different than civil rules. We DO have Leavenworth and we all accept that the people already being held there have been tried and convicted by rules that are far more restrictive than those we expect for ourselves in civil society.

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